Félicien Rops

( Namur 1833 - Essonnes (France) 1898 )

Studies of a Young Lady

George Grosz

( Berlin 1893 - Berlin 1959 )

Sitting Nude, seen from the back

George Grosz

( Berlin 1893 - Berlin 1959 )

Reclining nude

George Grosz

( Berlin 1893 - Berlin 1959 )

Female nude with Hat

Henri Evenepoel

( Nice 1872 - Parijs 1899 )

The rocks of Tipaza (1898)

Henri Evenepoel

( Nice 1872 - Parijs 1899 )

The Coachman

Jan Pieter van Bauerscheit the Elder

( Wormsdorf 1669 - Antwerp 1729 )


Flemish or Dutch school late 17th century

Study of Moths and Butterflies

Flemish or Dutch school late 17th century

Study of a Bee and a Beetle

Studio of Peter Paul Rubens

Head of a Satyr

Gaspard De Crayer and Jacob Neefs

Charles V setting foot in Africa

Attributed to Jan Baptist Saive I

Kitchen Interior with a Woman at a table, Fruits and Vegetables

Cornelis Schut

( 1597 - 1655 )

The Circumcision (?)

Cornelis Schut

( 1597 - 1655 )

An Allegory (The Liberal arts under attack ?)

Cornelis Schut

( 1597 - 1655 )

The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds

Cornelis Schut

( 1597 - 1655 )

Study for a portrait of the Virgin and Child, supported by Cherubs with a Flower Garland

Cornelis Schut

( 1597 - 1655 )

The rape of Europa

Victor Wolfvoet

( Antwerp 1612 - Antwerp 1652 )

Diana and Actaeon

Giacomo Colombo and workshop

( Este 1663 - Naples 1731 )

San Pasquale Baylon Circa 1720

Adriaen Van Utrecht

( Antwerp 1599 - Antwerp 1652 )

Still Life with a Falcon

Jan Cossiers

( Antwerpen 1600 - Antwerpen 1671 )

A Merry Drinker

Jacob Adriaensz Bellevois

( Rotterdam 1621 - Rotterdam 1676 )

English Ships before the Coastline

Spanish School 17th century

A Mater Dolorosa with a silver-plated Crown

Bathing Diana

Flemish School (?) ca 1600

Kitchen Interior with man and boar head

Jacob Jordaens

( Antwerp 1593 - 1678 )

Head study of a crying girl, with a separate study of her mouth

Henri Evenepoel

( Nice 1872 - Parijs 1899 )

2 Farmers of "The Meuse"

Cornelis Schut

( 1597 - 1655 )

Susanna and the Elders

Daniel Seghers and Cornelis Schut

A portrait of the Virgin and Child, supported by Cherubs with a Flower Garland

Jan Fyt

( Antwerp 1611 - Antwerp 1661 )

Still life with Hunting Game and a Cat

Abraham Van Diepenbeeck

( Antwerp 1596 - Den Bosch 1675 )

Our Lady of Sorrows surrounded by 2 Angels

School of Rubens, 17th century

ST. Margeret

Jan Fyt

( Antwerp 1611 - Antwerp 1661 )

The Rooster and the Jewel

Jan Victors

( Amsterdam 1619 - Dutch-India 1679 )

Exterior of an inn

Henri Evenepoel

( Nice 1872 - Parijs 1899 )

Male Nude (ca 1894)

Henri Evenepoel

( Nice 1872 - Parijs 1899 )

Female Nude (ca 1894)

Jacob Jordaens

( Antwerp 1593 - 1678 )

Study of an Evangelist

Circle of Jan Breughel de Oude

"Port Hercule"

Flemish School 17th Century

A Family Portrait

Frans Francken II, Studio of

( Antwerp 1581 - Antwerp 1642 )

Mocking, presenting and Flagellation of Christ

Maarten Van Cleve

( Antwerpen 1527 - Antwerpen 1581 )

Couple with a Spindle and a Hen

Flemish 17th century

2 Deer Calfs

Jan Cossiers

( Antwerpen 1600 - Antwerpen 1671 )

Children playing with Firecrackers

Alessandro Turchi

( Verona 1578 - Rome 1649 )

Lot and his Daughters

Peter Snayers

( Antwerpen 1592 - 1667 Brussel )

Landscape with a Robbery

Jacques D'Arthois

Wooded landscape with View on "Het Rode Klooster"

Flemish School 17th Century

Lot and his daughters

An elegant company dancing, eating, drinking and making music

Italian Bronze Frame, 18th century

Flemish Draughtsman in Italy

Flemish Draughtsman in Italy: Fantastic Landscape

David Vinckboons

( Mechelen 1576 - Amsterdam 1632 )

Tavern Scene 'Boerenverdriet' or 'The Peasants' Sorrow'

Spanish School 17th century

Allegory of Summer with the Zodiac signs (2 of a pair)

Spanish School 17th century

Allegory of Spring with Signs of the Zodiac (1 of a pair)

Dutch School 17th century

Portrait of an Elderly man

Portrait of a Noble Man

Christophe Paudiss

( Lower Saxony 1620/1630 - Freising 1666/67 )

Portrait of a Rabbi

Spanish School

Mater Dolorosa

Tobias Verhaeght

( Antwerp 1561 - Antwerp 1631? )

A Mountainous Landscape

Livio Mehus

( Oudenaarde 1630 - Florence 1691 )

The Coat of Arms of the Medici supported in the Sky by Putti,

Jan Pieter van Bauerscheit the Elder

( Wormsdorf 1669 - Antwerp 1729 )

A Triton

Italian (Florentine?) School, 16th century

A laughing Satyrs Head

Erasmus Quellinus II

( Antwerp 1607 - Antwerp 1678 )

Three Putti around a Fruit Basket with Parrots